The Work And The Glory III: A House Divided
Excel Entertainment (2006)
For Sale
Seen ItYes
IMDB   6.2
93 mins USA / English
DVD  Region 1   PG
Sam Hennings Benjamin Steed
Brenda Strong Mary-Ann Steed
Eric Johnson Joshua Steed
Jonathan Scarfe Joseph Smith
Alexander Carroll Nathan Steed
Andrew Bowen Brigham Young
Emily Podleski Jessica Roundy-Steed
Ryan Wood Hyrum Smith
Brighton Hertford Melissa Steed
Sarah Darling Emma Smith
Brenda Strong Mary Ann Steed
Julia Cunningham Rebecca Steed
Cody Sanders Matthew Steed
Sarah Bastian Lydia Steed
Emily Podleski Jessica Steed
Melanie Hawkins Emma Smith
Frank Ashmore Martin Harris
Curtis Andersen Carl Rogers
Jeff Ham Obadiah
Giulia Pagano Mother Smith
Sterling Van Wagenen
Producer Jeff T. Miller
Larry H. Miller
Writer Gerald N. Lund
Matt Whitaker
Cinematography Gordon Lonsdale
Musician Sam Cardon

Joshua Steed returns to Missouri a wealthy man with a beautiful wife; however, the past has a way of catching up. Soon Joshua is tangled in a web of rumors, deception and betrayal that threatens to tear his family apart. Back in Kirtland, financial trouble riddles the foundations of the fledgling Church causing a division, and questioning of the Prophet Joseph Smith's divine calling. Has he lost his prophetic gift? Hundreds of Saints immigrate to Missouri, where Governor Boggs raises an army - with Joshua at its head - to address the "Mormon Problem." When the militia receives orders to attack the Mormon settlement, only Joshua can save his family from the gathering mob.
Edition Details
Release Date 2007
Packaging Keep Case
Screen Ratio Widescreen (16:9)
Subtitles English; Spanish
Audio Tracks ENGLISH: Dolby Digital 5.1
Layers Single Side, Dual Layer
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Links Movie Collector Core

Theatrical Trailers