Nefash's Pilot Training School
  1. Jabiim Escort
  2. Cartel Listening Station
  3. Saleucami Fleet Action
  4. Nez Peron Sweep
  5. Sarapin Assault
  6. Taspan Ambush
  7. Ezran Outpost
  8. Skaross Fortification
  9. Mugaar Ice Field
  10. Polith Minefield
  11. Sullust Interception
  12. Aeten Defense
  13. Clouds of Vondoru
  14. Ascendancy Barrier
  15. Heroic Missions


RendingImperial Mission Guides

Imperial Mission #9 - Mugaar Ice Field

Difficulty Level

Minimum level - 34
Minimum recommended ship upgrade level - 1
By now you should have enough fleet commendations to get a Power Conversion Module for your ship which is recommended

Similar To:

Saleucami Fleet Action (Imperial), Javaal Fleet Action (Republic), Kovor Ice Field (Republic)

Primary Objective

Bonus Objectives

Video Demonstration (By Darth Rending)

Watch on Youtube
